
How to display paintball guns? (Jan-2023)

Have you always wondered how you can place your beloved paintball guns in view? Locking them away in cupboards or keeping them in their packaging does well to no one. If you spend so much money on pistols, you have every right to showcase them in your house. They will enhance the appearance of your place and remind you to go play out with your friends. On the other hand, if you keep them out of sight, your busy schedule might make you forget about their existence. 

Display paintball guns cache

You have come to the right place if you want to know how to display paintball guns in your house. With our great collection of paintball pistols, we have encountered the problem of displaying them as well. However, we have gotten creative with our ideas and have managed to organize our favourite paintball pistols around the house over the year. Our guide will help you out greatly as it comes from a good experience. Read the following article to get some decent tips.      

Freestanding Display

The first display option that we would like to talk about is the freestanding display. This option works great if you have an extra desk that you are unsure of what to do with. You can find many types of freestanding displays in the market these days.

Pick the one that goes well with the table and put your gun in it. We would recommend that you get a nice contrasting color for your freestanding display on your table. It will grab the attention of visitors for sure and look great. Since freestanding displays are quite in demand these days, there are many handmade options available as well.

You can get a nice deal of multiple freestanding displays. If you want to give a personal touch to the whole look, you can even make the display at home! It is very simple to make. You can use PVC piping to make the material needed for the freestanding display.  Use the colors that you love to make your very own paintball pistol display.     

Display Cases

Another display option that we have is the very popular display cases. These cases enable you to keep your paintball pistol safe from any damage or dust. You can place these display cases anywhere in your house, but we suggest the lounge to be an ideal location. Once you get used to buying paintball pistols, you will want to get your hands on the expensive pistols as well. When that happens, you will need display cases to ensure their safety and protection. The display cases allow you to see the gun placed inside fully without any problems. 

Buying display cases is an easy job because they are available in every other online shop. You can even find them locally, but if you would rather build a case at home, that option is also worth considering. Display cases can be easily made at home, and you do not need to be good at arts and crafts to construct the best one. The raw materials can be purchased at a low cost, so the overall money required to build a display case will be much lesser than what a ready-made would have cost you.        

Wall displays

In hunters’ houses, we have often seen pistols on the walls. Do they not look aesthetically pleasing? Well, if such things have ever grabbed your attention, you will want to buy wall hooks. You can use them to hang your beloved paintball pistols on the wall.

You can use rods as well to put the gun on. A good thing about mounted displays on walls is that you can place the pistol in any way you like. You just need to add the hooks accordingly, and then you can have the pistol mounted on the wall vertically or horizontally. 

It is a quick process that can be accomplished easily. Just visit any local shop to get the right tools, and you will be all set to decorate your house with displayed paintball pistols. If you get the task completed, make sure to check if the hooks used are prominent in the view. Oftentimes, the hooks serve as a distraction, especially if they are too big for everyone’s likings. Find the hooks that hide well under the pistol to avoid problems.        

If you do not like the idea of getting hooks for mounted wall displays, you can also go for shelves. Nowadays, getting shelves instilled in the walls has become quite trendy. They allow you to save the space for any table that you would have placed otherwise for your pistols and simply looks elegant on the wall

. There are multiple options for stands on walls like glasswork or woodwork. You can decide the type of material for your shelf based on your other furniture in the room. If you are going for a modern look, we suggest you go for glasswork as it looks excellent for the theme. On the contrary, wooden work gives a cozier look to the place, so it would be great to look for that look. 

How do you decide which display to use?

You must be wondering how we decide which display method suits us best. Well, certain things need to be kept into account, for that matter. You do not want to decide on a display method without putting everything into perspective. Here is a list of things that help us during the decision-making process.     

The total cost of each display option

When getting started with displays, you do not want to invest too much right away. A major reason behind this is that since it will be your first time, you are ought to make some mistakes. Therefore, it is advisable to start with something inexpensive. We suggest that you check the cost of each display option and then decide what is best for you. You might want to include the labour cost as well, if there is any. Checking prices of the same display in different shops can also be a good thing to do if you want the absolute best deal.   

Installation work

Another thing that we keep into account is the hard work required to install the display option. This greatly depends on the skills of the person doing the job. So, you need to ask yourself what it is that you prefer doing. If you want to purchase a freestanding display, then it will not be much work as it comes made. However, if you decide to make it on your own, that might keep you occupied for quite some time.

Similarly, the other display options can have varying installation times. If you are not in a hurry and truly care about the display option of your paintball pistol, you will not regret spending a reasonable amount of time on the task. In the end, you will achieve desired results as your place will look a thousand times better. 

The room’s aesthetic

A significant thing to consider while going for a suitable display option is its appearance in the chosen room. What we mean to say here is the display should go with the room instead of looking odd. If your room is of small size, adding a table inside just to keep the display case or freestanding display can make it look awful. You do not want your room to be congested due to the addition of any extra material. On the other hand, if your room follows a certain color scheme and the display goes against that theme, it would not go well. You should pay great attention to these details before buying the right display.  

Quality of the display

Now, this does not mean that one display option is of better quality than another. Instead, we encourage you to check for the quality of the same display type as well to find the best one. Sometimes, the people online sell out bad quality material at high prices, and the buyer is easily fooled.

We recommend you to visit reliable sites only to get the best results. Make sure that the hooks or the stands, whatever it is you have decided upon, are of excellent quality. This is important because your paintball pistol will be protected by the display option.

If anything is to happen to the display, your gun might have to suffer the consequences as well. We once had our pistol fall when one hook fell from the wall, leaving a damaged gun behind. We do not want you to suffer the same situation, so it is best to pick good quality material from the get-go.    


Hopefully, this article helps you out in figuring out a display option for your paintball pistol. As you can see, we also included a guide to select the best display option based on your requirements. All of this information will be worthy on your quest to enhance the appearance of your house or apartment.  

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